ESC - Strength training, group fitness, personal training


Eastside Strength & Conditioning offers group training and workouts as well as individualized personal training services for all fitness and experience levels. 

Established in 2005, ESC is located in downtown Bellevue, Washington, just off Interstate 405.

Filtering by Category: Personal records

Total success!

CFES Total crew

CFES joined several of the local CrossFit affiliates at CrossFit Seattle this weekend for a little community CrossFit Total competition and a chance for the crew to put our consistent lifting training to the test publicly. The CFT is the best of three max attempts each at back squat, overhead press, and deadlift. Everyone completed each of the three lifts and got a total score, and there were almost too many PRs to count. You guys are inspiring! Hard training pays off.

The outstanding turnout from CFES could have overwhelmed the event, but everything got done efficiently, and it was a great day all around. ...Including some time at the brewery right across the street (yes, Sean, we know you like that about the location already). Special thanks to Rachel, Beth, and Melody for helping run platforms and to Susan for providing sustenance for everyone.

Stay tuned in coming days for the scores and more pics.

Nice lift, man!