ESC - Strength training, group fitness, personal training


Eastside Strength & Conditioning offers group training and workouts as well as individualized personal training services for all fitness and experience levels. 

Established in 2005, ESC is located in downtown Bellevue, Washington, just off Interstate 405.

Gently down the stream

Five large boxes arrived today from Concept2. What a treat--outstanding product. Everything was complete, batteries and allen wrench included! You see why theirs are the world's best indoor rowers: their engineering is top shelf.

Setup of the rowers is but 10 bolts away. Set your country, time, and date and you are rowing, my friend. Each of our new rowers went through strenuous QA with 250m

Break-in workout was as follows:
1000m Row
50 Abmat sit-ups
800m Row
600m Row
10 4-count lying alternating knees to chest
Supplemental lifting:
5-4-3-2-1 Push-press add 5# per set