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Finishing strength
Mark after 16 weeks on a Starting Strength program.
His stats 11 months ago and now:
Bodyweight: 180 pounds
Squat: 211 pounds
Press: 123 pounds
Deadlift: 304 pounds
CrossFit Total: 639
CrossFit Total: 639
Bodyweight: 220 pounds
Squat: 299 pounds
Press: 169 pounds
Deadlift: 401 pounds
CrossFit Total: 870
Bodyweight: 220 pounds
Squat: 299 pounds
Press: 169 pounds
Deadlift: 401 pounds
CrossFit Total: 870
Bodyweight: 22% increase
Squat: 42% increase
Press: 37% increase
Deadlift: 32% increase
Squat: 42% increase
Press: 37% increase
Deadlift: 32% increase
Squats and milk
Drop the hammer
Basic barbell training
Extraordinary strength coach Mark Rippetoe, author of Starting Strength: Basic Barbell Training and a dear friend of ours, will be at CrossFit Eastside on February 7-8, 2009, to teach CrossFit's two-day Basic Barbell Certification seminar.
The seminar is all about how to train properly barbells to get strong, using the most effective methods to learn and teach the most effective fundamental exercises: squat, deadlift, press, bench press, and power clean. Rip is a truly gifted coach and engaging, no-BS speaker. This is a an unparalleled opportunity to get trained by the best.
To sign up, register here. It always sells out, so don't put it off.
To hear Rip talking with NPR's Rob Sachs about the best way to get fit in 2009 (funny--it's the same as it was in 2008, and 2007, and 2006, and...), listen here.
Welcome 2009
CrossFit Eastside 2008
Thank you all for another wonderful year!
CrossFit Eastside 2007 collage
CrossFit Eastside 2006 collage
CrossFit Eastside 2005 collage