ESC - Strength training, group fitness, personal training


Eastside Strength & Conditioning offers group training and workouts as well as individualized personal training services for all fitness and experience levels. 

Established in 2005, ESC is located in downtown Bellevue, Washington, just off Interstate 405.

Fight gone good

CrossFit Fight Gone Bad logoOn Saturday, September 29, 2007, CrossFit affiliates across the nation will be hosting a "Fight Gone Bad" fundraiser to benefit the Prostate Cancer Foundation (PCF). CrossFit Eastside's event will begin at 10:00 am and is open to all who pre-register on the CFES team (see below).

Around here, we do love us some FGB, and we have at least two prostate cancer survivors in the local CFES family, so come join us in the fight for a good cause. (Knowing this crowd, it'll be followed by a BBQ, Oktoberfest, or some such social event.)

Fight Gone Bad is a workout that was created to train cage fighters for their sport. After they tried it for the first time, they were asked how it was: "Was it like a fight?" "Yeah," one of them panted, shaking his head and bent over with exhaustion, "It was like a fight all right--a fight gone bad." Hence the name.

The workout consists of five different exercises, each performed, sequentially, for max reps in one minute with no rest between stations. (Video here.) After all five exercises are completed (a round), there's a one-minute rest period (precious, precious rest) before the next round. The entire event consists of three rounds--so, fifteen minutes of high-intensity output--and is scored based on total reps on all exercises. For the official Sept. 29 event, there are four separate classes (with loads scaled accordingly): standard men, standard women/modified men, intermediate, and beginner.


You don't have to pay to play, but it is a benefit, so you have to raise (or donate) at least $150 for the PCF. And you have to register, but it's online and easy.

Date: 10:00am, Saturday, Sept. 29, 2007
Location: CrossFit Eastside (and around the country!)
Rules and classes: CrossFit Fight Gone Bad event website
Registration steps:

  1. Register with Athletes for a Cure by Wednesday, September 26. Choose CrossFit Eastside as your team.
  2. Register with us either in person at CFES or by e-mailing your name and class (standard men, standard women/modified men, intermediate, or beginner) to getfit[AT]
  3. Raise $150 or more in pledges by 5 p.m. PST on Saturday, September 29.
  4. Keep up your training!

FGB at CrossFit Eastside - August 2007

It only looks chaotic. Fight Gone Bad at CFES, August 2007.