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We are updating our blog less frequently.
Find our gym and barbell club updates on Facebook.
Eastside Strength & Conditioning offers group training and workouts as well as individualized personal training services for all fitness and experience levels.
Established in 2005, ESC is located in downtown Bellevue, Washington, just off Interstate 405.
We are updating our blog less frequently.
Find our gym and barbell club updates on Facebook.
Holiday gym schedule:
Fri 12/23: Usual Friday schedule
Sat 12/24: 10am, Xmas eve group workout!
Sun 12/25: CLOSED. Merry merry happy happy!
Mon 12/26: Noon only--open gym, all welcome
Tue 12/27: 9am, 5pm
Wed 12/28: 7am, 9am, noon, 5pm (Fulcrum @ 6pm)
Thu 12/29: 9am, 5pm
Fri 12/30: 7am, 9am, noon, 5pm (Fulcrum @6pm)
Sat 12/31: 10am, 3-lift TOTAL
Mon 1/2: Noon only--open gym, all welcome
Tue 1/3: Back to regular daily schedule. Happy 2012!
More information about this event can be found here.