ESC - Strength training, group fitness, personal training


Eastside Strength & Conditioning offers group training and workouts as well as individualized personal training services for all fitness and experience levels. 

Established in 2005, ESC is located in downtown Bellevue, Washington, just off Interstate 405.

Filtering by Category: Personal records

10K urban run

CrossFit Eastside - 10K in daylight

The costs associated with regular extended aerobic training are decreased speed, power, and strength, not to mention health and fitness. Reserve your longer, lower-intensity "cardio" training for recovery from intense work cycles, when you can no longer deliver on the high outputs that CrossFit demands.

You CrossFitters do primarily short-duration, high-intensity training in the anaerobic pathway, yet you can still perform in the aerobic realm. How many of the endurance-sport crowd can do what you do here every day? How many have the capacity to execute randomized, multi-joint, high-output movements with precision and power?

CrossFit Eastside - 10K in the dark

"Farther, longer is not fitter, is not healthier." - Greg Glassman

CrossFit Total, September 2007

CrossFit Eastside - Back squat
CrossFit Eastside - Press
CrossFit Eastside - Deadlift

The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best of three attempts at the back squat, the press, and the deadlift, the "three most effective lifts in existence for developing and testing functional strength."

We had sixteen CrossFitters of various experience levels come out and set their own benchmarks this past weekend, with scores ranging from 359 to 562 for the women (beautiful lifts and an impressive top score by Heather) and from 551 to 1016 (a new PR and a big 418-pound squat for Sean). Thanks to all who showed up on a Saturday afternoon to lift or just to support the lifters.

Our next weekend community event--open to all who register--will be the big Fight Gone Bad fundraiser on September 29. Sign up now!

C'mon, squat!

Russell- back squat

Words of wisdom from the incomparable Mark Rippetoe:

Matt: You mentioned that your beginners squat every single workout. What is it about squatting that works so well at making kids so strong and big?

Rip: It’s because they’re so goddamn hard. They load the whole system, not just a piece of it. They essentially work all muscle groups underneath the load--which is all of them except the neck, and that is used isometrically. Its range of motion--when done correctly--is greater than a deadlift or power clean. Done with sufficient intensity and volume, it produces enough stress to evoke a hormonal response, something no isolation exercise--or circuit of isolation exercises--can do. Squats, better than any other single exercise, load the whole body in a way that causes the body to respond as a whole. [From an interview by Matt Reynolds.)

Couldn'ta said it better ourselves.

Irena - back squat

Odd object lifting

"Unlike barbells, which are made to be lifted, stones naturally defy man's best efforts to be lifted. They are not only heavy, but when they are also slick, round, and big, they force your body into the worst possible mechanics for lifting." - Steve Jeck

CrossFit Eastside moving stones

And a reminder that this Saturday, July 21, is Mt Rainier's Strongest Man and Woman II. Event details are posted on the gym whiteboard. We are all looking forward to fun times, and great people! The festivities will continue that evening at a BBQ at the home (in Buckley, about 15 mins from the strongman site) of the sweaty guy in the pics, immediately following the novice event. Address and directions available in the gym (or e-mail us).