Lake Washington High School physical education class, learning about Dr. Izumi Tabata, and the IE1 protocol (you can see the joy of learning in the expressions on their faces).
Dr. Tabata's research suggests that intervals of 20 seconds of max-effort work and 10 seconds of rest tax both the anaerobic and aerobic energy releasing systems almost maximally. That's a lot of bang for a few seconds of suck!
Heaton pulls 175kg. Goal 182kg (400 pounds).
Group dynamics drive camaraderie, teamwork, and accountability. CrossFit programming serves groups large and small with functionality, variance, and intensity.
Family fitness
...But not out
Russell doesn't let pesky little things like a broken bone and an immobilizing cast slow him down much. He's speeding his recovery with good exercise while allowing his broken metatarsal to heal. And inspiring the rest of us in the process. Is that why he's called Russell the Muscle?
Using team work and intensity to crush Fight Gone Bad.